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[ Et Cetera ]
This is the "catch-all" type of area that I tend to include in most sites I build. It's named for the same section of the student newspaper I worked at years ago.
Ideas - Outstanding
Give Your Android Phone A British Accent
Instructions for modifying the language and text-to-speech settings on an Android phone to give it a bit of extra class, as well as having it speak arbitrary text using the Chrome Reader extension.
Welcome to the Singularity
In which I ask ChatGPT to write an improved version of a very bad supposedly-AI-generated horror movie script.
Ideas - Standard
The Battlestar Galactica Model
The theoretical framework I use most often for determining resource allocation.
On AI Art Generation
Some thoughts on the current (late 2022/early 2023) controvery over AI-generated artwork.
Christmas Pudding
A traditional British holiday recipe, modified to be gluten-free.
Health Burdock Gean
The best vegetarian mock meat ever produced by human hands, and a few recipe ideas to use it with.
Bloody, Worm-Eaten Cake
A straightforward modification for use when baking a cake for e.g. Randolph Jaffe or a Cenobite.