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[ Software ]
This section contains a variety of software I've written, usually for specialized purposes.
Some of my projects are hosted elsewhere:
A Black Path Toward The Sun is a utility I wrote which tunnels TCP traffic through a compromised Java or .NET web application server.
A lot of other software I've written in years past is available over at Legacy of Kain: The Lost Worlds.
Reverse-Engineering and Security
On The Outside, Reaching In
An XML external entity ("XXE") capability-maximizing, bounty-harvesting utility
OTORI - Instructions
Options and use of On The Outside, Reaching In
OTORI - Example 1: Apache Solr
Using On The Outside, Reaching In to access files via Apache Solr.
OTORI - Example 2: Squiz Matrix
Using On The Outside, Reaching In and She Wore A Mirrored Mask to extract files from a system running an example installation of the Squiz Matrix CMS.
OTORI - Example 3: Mahara
Using On The Outside, Reaching In and She Wore A Mirrored Mask to extract files from a system running an example installation of the Mahara CMS.
OTORI - Example 4: McAfee ePO
Using On The Outside, Reaching In to extract files from a system running an example installation of McAfee ePO 4.6.4.
OTORI - Example 7: Generic XXE Modules
Using the generic XXE modules introduced in version 0.3 of On The Outside, Reaching In.
OTORI - Exploring the Linux Filesystem
A discussion of some of the interesting content you may be able to retrieve using On The Outside, Reaching In (or if you already have access to the target filesystem).
Frequently-asked questions for On The Outside, Reaching In.
Returnal Unpacker
A customized version of an existing Unreal Engine unpacker that works with the PC version of Returnal.
She Wore A Mirrored Mask
A webserver with hidden talents
SWAMM - Instructions
Options and use of She Wore A Mirrored Mask
This Dust Remembers What It Once Was
A videogame reverse-engineering toolkit for Ghidra. Currently focused almost entirely on PlayStation games.
TDR: Practice Using EDGECASE
A basic walkthrough of using TDR to decompile a toy PlayStation binary called EDGECASE with source code included for reference.
TDR: Practice Using OVERLAYS
A basic walkthrough of using TDR to decompile a toy PlayStation binary called OVERLAYS with source code included for reference. This binary uses PsyQ's memory overlay feature, which make reverse-engineering more challenging.
TDR: Soul Reaver
A basic walkthrough of using TDR to decompile Soul Reaver for the PlayStation.
TDR: Need For Speed 4
A basic walkthrough of using TDR to decompile Need For Speed 4 for the PlayStation.
TDR: Biohazard 2
A basic walkthrough of using TDR to decompile Biohazard 2 for the PlayStation.
TDR: Diablo
A basic walkthrough of using TDR to decompile the Japanese version of Diablo for the PlayStation.
TDR: Blood Omen and Other Games Without Symbols
A basic walkthrough of using TDR to decompile Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain for the PlayStation. The same process can be used for any other PlayStation game, regardless of whether debug symbols are available or not.
A lightweight HTTP file-downloading VBScript for Windows®.
A very basic Python script for performing a man-in-the-middle attack against TLS/SSL-encrypted XMPP traffic.
Systems Administration
Dump Mailbox Item Data
A script that maps BlackBerry Enterprise Server Ref IDs to Exchange mailbox items.
A wrapper script that makes it possible to start GUI applications using sudo over a remote X connection in Linux without changing the system-level sudo configuration (e.g. for use with Cygwin-X).
The Mirror's Surface Breaks
The Mirror's Surface Breaks
A multispectral image processing engine.
DaVinci's Shadow
An experimental fork of ASU's DaVinci command-line data processing software, which is used internally by The Mirror's Surface Breaks.
DaVinci's Shadow Build Process - Linux
How to compile DaVinci's Shadow on Linux.
DaVinci's Shadow Build Process - Windows
The grueling ordeal that is compiling DaVinci's Shadow on Windows using MinGW/MSYS.
DaVinci's Shadow Build Process - Cross-Compiling For Windows on Linux
The slightly-less-grueling ordeal that is compiling DaVinci's Shadow on Linux using MinGW.
DaVinci's Shadow Build Process - BSD
Some general guidelines and pointers for building DaVinci's Shadow on BSD.
TMSB on Unix-like Operating Systems
Some preparation is necessary to use TMSB on Linux, BSD, and other "Unix-like" operating systems.
TMSB Tutorial 1: Basic Use
An introduction to working with The Mirror's Surface Breaks.
TMSB Tutorial 2: OnEarth Satellite Imagery
How to use TMSB to process raw data from NASA's OnEarth website.
TMSB Tutorial 3: Mars Rover PanCam Images
Using TMSB to process images obtained from the Mars rovers (Spirit and Opportunity).
TMSB Tutorial 4: XML File Customization
A quick introduction to working with TMSB's XML files, if you want to customize the processing options.
TMSB Tutorial 4A: Basic XML File Customization
Simple ways to modify the files included with TMSB.
TMSB Tutorial 4B: Dual-Band Ultraviolet-A XML File Customization
This custom input configuration can be used where the source imagery contains multiple subdivisions of the ultraviolet-A spectral band.
TMSB Tutorial 4C: Andrea G. Blum Colour Combination XML File
This example describes how to create a custom processing configuration which combines human-visible, near infrared, and ultraviolet-A in a way described by photographer Andrea G. Blum.
TMSB Tutorial 4D: Klaus D. Schmitt Custom Colour-Processing Matrix
This example describes a method requested by photographer and researcher Klaus D. Schmitt, for explicitly specifying the combination of input channels to create colour output images.
TMSB Tutorial 4E: Multitemporal Processing
This example describes a method requested by Steve Smeed, for combining multiple R-G-B images offset in time, using a technique developed by Bjørn Rørslett.
TMSB Tutorial 4F: Yellow Filter Processing
This example describes a method requested by Steve Smeed, for converting images taken with a multispectrally-converted camera using a yellow filter into Kodak EIR-style NIR-R-G images.
TMSB Tutorial 5: Custom Scripts
TMSB can also be used to execute custom DaVinci scripts using multiple processors simultaneously. Here's how.
TMSB Troubleshooting and Optimization
Steps that can be taken if you encounter an error or other problem.
TMSB XML Schema Part 1: Overview
Features and aspects that are common to all of the XML file types that TMSB uses.
TMSB XML Schema Part 2: Input Configuration
The configuration files that control how the raw source images for an image cube are imported.
TMSB XML Schema Part 3: Output Configuration
The files that control how TMSB writes intermediate and final output images to disk.
TMSB XML Schema Part 4: Processing Configuration
The files that control the real work that TMSB was designed for.
TMSB XML Schema Part 5: Colour and Gradients
The file that defines gradients and tinting colours.
TMSB XML Schema Part 6: Transformation Profiles
The file that defines simple, reusable operations such as normalization.
TMSB XML Schema Part 7: Execution Options
A file that defines the basic execution options (for the GUI).