[ Beneath the Waves ]
The Mirror's Surface Breaks - version 1.3

Some (hopefully) exciting news: The Mirror's Surface Breaks version 1.3 is now available. Here are the highlights:

If you give it a try, please let me know how well it works for you.

New Raw Garbage Photos

The NEX-7 I ordered back in November to replace my worn-out D70 finally arrived, and I used it to document the GARBAGE MEN INVASION.

In a strange coincidence, the Lytro camera I preordered almost a year ago also shipped. You can play with some refocusable pictures I shot with it over at the Lytro site.

Finally, I corrected an error in the DaVinci's Shadow Build Process - Cross-Compiling For Windows on Linux instructions - one line in the list of commands to set up the 32-bit build environment was incorrect. Thanks to Andy Gardner for pointing this out!

Raw Garbage at the 2012 Fremont Solstice Parade and Fair

Yesterday I accompanied my friend Raw Garbage to the 2012 Fremont Solstice Parade and Festival. You can see the exciting photos in the Street Trash article!

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